Ramadan Kareem

I want to send my very best wishes to all Muslim friends observing the holy month of ramadan.

In the festive and honorable Ramadan, may the grace of heaven bestow upon you, the praise of the heavens and the earth and all things will sublime you, the goodness of everyone will come to you, and the scattered ones will be all beautiful to you. I wish you a happy holiday and family peace!

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. According to the doctrine, Muslims perform one of the five destiny fasts during the month.


Sharia law stipulates that all Muslims, except the sick, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, young children, and those who are on the journey before sunrise, should fast for the entire month. Fasting from dawn to sunset, abstaining from eating and drinking, abstaining from sexual intercourse, abstaining from ugly acts and profanity, and believes that its significance lies in not only fulfilling religious obligations, but also in cultivating the character, restraining selfish desires, experiencing the suffering of hunger of the poor, germinating compassion, and helping the poor , Do good.

Ramadan process

Ramadan refers to Muslims fasting from sunrise to sunset. Fasting is one of the five basic tasks of Islam: chanting, worshiping, classing, fasting, and dynasty. It is a religious activity for Muslims to cultivate their character.

Ramadan meaning

According to Muslims, Ramadan is the most auspicious and noble month of the year. Islam believes that this month is the month of the surrender of the Quran. Islam believes that fasts can purify people’s hearts, make people noble, kind-hearted, and make the rich experience the taste of starvation for the poor.

this is an incredibly special time of year for muslims at home and abroad a time for charity, forcontemplation and community.

Several suggestions on Ramadan diet:


Do not dry iftar

“I can’t eat and walk around” shamelessly

Keep everything simple and avoid feasts

Avoid extravagance and waste,

Try to eat less big fish and meat,

Eat more light fruits and vegetables

Post time: Apr-15-2021